
A song (vise) is a poem, or a set of words, set to music, and meant to be sung. They are often told from a personal perspective. The genre contains a range of sub-genres based on content or function, including love songs, work songs, broadside ballads and children's songs. Many of the songs have been passed down through generations and over large areas, which has led to different variations in both text and melody.

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Stev og folkevisor
Norsk Frihedssang
Visesamling fraa Stord
"Ei lystig Norsk visa"
Oste=visa, fraa Fyrsidal. Etter Gjermund E. Haugan, Holla. 1916
Folkevisor or Hetlelid-fuggen
Bygdemåls-viser or Hetlelid-fuggen
Folkeminner fra Telemark samlet sommeren 1943