Food and Drink

Kvinne kjevler

The category Food and drink contains cultural-historical material about securing and preparing food and drink, as well as the social aspects of meals. 

Foto: NEG 4, 03328, p. 1

Results: 879
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Search results:

NEG Varia 22189: Ungdomsarbeid, Fjelli
NEG Varia 22270: Påske
NEG Varia 22689: Hellig tre kongers lys
NEG Varia 21328: Innflytting, finner
NEG Varia 21325: Fisketørking
NEG Varia 21630: Melkestell
NEG Varia 21722: Fiske, fisk
NEG Varia 21753: Russesagn, russeplyndringer
NEG Varia 21766: Spå i fiskebein
NEG Varia 22133: Seterdrift